
Interface: SubscriptionUpdateProps




Optional actionableDate: string

A date string representing when the subscription should resume. The minimum date is the next day. If actionableDate is omitted, the subscription will be resumed the next day.

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Optional bill_address_attributes: SubscriptionAddress

An object representing the billing address. All fields need to be sent even if only a single field is updated.

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Optional endDate: string

A string representing the end date of the subscription. If null, the subscription will renew indefinitely.

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Optional intervalLength: number

The number of units. Example: if the subscription should be delivered every three months, this would be 3.

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Optional intervalUnits: IntervalUnit

The interval unit. Example: if the subscription should be delivered every three months, this would be month.

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Optional lineItemsAttributes: SubscriptionUpdateLineItemAttributes[]

An object representing the line item attributes to be updated. To change the variant in the subscription, pass two lineItemsAttributes objects in the array, one representing the variant to be removed with _destroy: true, and one respresenting the variant to be added.

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Optional payment_source_attributes: SubscriptionPaymentSource

An object representing the payment source. All fields need to be sent even if only a single field is updated.

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Optional ship_address_attributes: SubscriptionAddress

An object representing the shipping address. All fields need to be sent even if only a single field is updated.

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