Line Items
Name | Description |
Billing Address 1 | The street address of the billing address. |
Billing Address 2 | An additional field for the street address of the billing address. |
Billing Address City | The city, town, or village of the billing address. |
Billing Address Company | The company associated to this billing address. |
Billing Address Country | The name of the country of the billing address. |
Billing Address Country Code | The two-letter code (ISO 3166-1 format) for the country of the billing address. |
Billing Address First Name | The first name of the person associated to this billing address. |
Billing Address Id | Unique identifier generated by Chord for a Billing Address. |
Billing Address Last Name | The last name of the person associated to this billing address. |
Billing Address Latitude | The latitude of the billing address. |
Billing Address Longitude | The longitude of the billing address. |
Billing Address Name | The full name of the person associated to this billing address. |
Billing Address Oms Billing Address Id | Unique key generated by Shopify that identifies a billing address. |
Billing Address Phone | The phone number associated to this billing address. |
Billing Address Province | The name of the region (province, state, prefecture, …) of the billing address. |
Billing Address Province Code | The two-letter abbreviation of the region of the billing address. |
Billing Address Zip | The postal code of the billing address. |
First Fulfillment Id | Unique identifier for a Shopify Fulfillment at a specific point in time |
First Fulfillment Oms Fulfillment Id | Unique key generated by Shopify that identifies a fulfillment. |
First Fulfillment Shipment Status | Represent the status of the shipment. |
First Fulfillment Status | The status of the fulfillment. |
First Fulfillment Tracking Company | The name of the tracking company. |
First Fulfillment Tracking Numbers | A list of tracking numbers provided by the tracking company. |
First Fulfillment Tracking Urls | The URLs of tracking pages for the fulfillment. |
Line Item Id | Unique identifier for a Shopify Line Item at a specific point in time. |
Is First Product Type Order | Whether this order contains the first product type for the user. |
Is Last Product Type Order | Whether this order contains the last, most recent, product type for the user. |
Is Repeat Product Type Order | Whether this order contains a repeat product type for the user. |
Line Item Oms Order Line Id | Unique key generated by Shopify that identifies a line item. |
Line Item Quantity | The number of said product that was purchased through this order. |
Rank of Product Type Order | Rank orders with the same product type per user. |
Location Id | Unique identifier for a Shopify Location at a specific point in time |
Location Is Active | Whether the location is active or not. |
Location Is Online | Whether or not this location represents an online location. |
Location Is Physical | Whether or not this location represents a physical location. |
Location Name | The name of a location. |
Location Oms Location Id | Unique key generated by Shopify that identifies a location. |
Order Admin Url | Contains the full URL directing to the admin dashboard of Shopify for that given order. |
Order App Id | The ID of the app from Shopify that created the order. |
Order App Name | App name associated with the app id. This field will be generated if the Hub Configuration is enabled and the value has been set. |
Order Applied Discount Codes | The discount 'codes' applied or a given order. |
Order Applied Discount Codes Count | The total number of applied discount code for a given order. |
Order Cancel Reason | The reason as to why the order was cancelled. |
Order Cart Website Locale | When available, this is the shopify international site activated prior to cart creation. |
Order Completed Order Rank By User | Allows to rank customer carts by completion date. In other words, this will rank the customer's completed order from 1 to X (X being the most recent order that was completed). |
Order Completed Subscription Order Rank By User | Allows to rank customer subscription orders by completion date. |
Order Contains First Subscription Order | A boolean value to indicate whether an order contains the first subscription order or not. An order may contain a mix of first and recurring subscriptions. |
Order Created Order Rank By User | Allows to rank customer carts by creation date. In other words, this will rank the customer's creation order from 1 to X (X being the last order that was created). An order can be created but never completed. |
Order Created Subscription Order Rank By User | Allows to rank customer subscription orders by creation date. |
Order Customer Lifetime Month | Number of months between the current order's creation date and the user's first order creation date. First orders have a value of 1. |
Order Customer Lifetime Week | Number of weeks between the current order's creation date and the user's first order creation date. First orders always have a value of 1. |
Order Filtered Order | Whether or not this order will be flagged by custom filter. |
Order Financial State | The status of transaction associated with the order. |
Order Fulfillment State | The summarized status of the 'shipment/fulfillment' associated with the order. |
Order Has Discount | Whether or not the order has had a discount applied to it. |
Order Has Order Tag | Whether or not the order has an order tag applied to it. |
Order Id | Unique identifier generated by Chord for an order. |
Order Included Fulfillment Codes | Aggregated array of fulfillment codes, represented as a string. |
Order Included Fulfillment Methods | Aggregated array of fulfillment methods, represented as a string. |
Order Included Payment Gateways | This is the rolled up successful payment gateway for an order. Successful payments are included if they are sale or capture transactions. |
Order Included Source Subscription Ids | String list of included source subscription ids per order. Subscription information received from tenant-enabled platforms including Recharge and Shopify Plus. |
Order Included Subscription Ids | String list of included subscription ids per order. Subscription information received from tenant-enabled platforms including Recharge and Shopify Plus. |
Order Is Admin | Whether or not the order was created by an admin. |
Order Is Cancelled | Whether or not the order was cancelled. If `cancelled_at` is non-null then we consider the order has being cancelled. |
Order Is Completed | Whether or not the order was completed. An order is considered completed if it has a closed_at timestamp and has been fully fulfilled. Closed_at is generated for orders in Shopify that are automatically archived. If this feature is not enabled, the last updated closed fulfillment date is used as the completed at date. |
Order Is First Completed Order | Whether the order was the customer's first completed order or not. |
Order Is First Order | Whether the order was the customer's first order or not. |
Order Is First Subscription Completed Order | Whether the order was the customer's first completed subscription order or not. |
Order Is First Subscription Order | Whether the order was the customer's first subscription order or not. |
Order Is Part Of Subscription | Boolean flag to indicate whether the order was a part of a subscription plan or not. |
Order Is Test | Whether this is a test order or not. |
Order Item Id | Unique identifier generated by Chord for an order. |
Order Item Is First Product Type Order | Whether this order contains the first product type basket for the user. |
Order Item Is Last Product Type Order | Whether this order contains the last, most recent, product type basket for the user. |
Order Item Is Repeat Product Type Order | Whether this order contains a repeat product type basket for the user. |
Order Item Product Basket Count | The count of products for a given order. |
Product Basket | The titles of products for a given orderarray converted to a string. |
Order Item Product Purchased Quantity | The total number of product purchased for a given order. |
Order Item Rank Product Type Order | Rank orders with the same product type basket per user. |
Order Item Unique Product Basket Count | The count of unique products for a given order. |
Unique Product Basket | The unique titles of products for a given order array converted to a string. |
Order Item Unique Product Type | The unique line item product types for a given order. |
Order Item Unique Variant Basket Count | The count of unique SKUs for a given order. |
Unique Variant Basket | The unique SKUs of variants for a given order array converted to a string. |
Order Item Variant Basket Count | The count of variants for a given order. |
Variant Basket | The SKUs of variants for a given order array converted to a string. |
Order Item Variant Purchased Quantity | The total number of variants purchased for a given order. |
Order Name | Unique name generated by Shopify that is displayed to the customer (e.g. |
Order Number Of Non Reactivated Subscriptions | Number of non reactivated subscriptions per order. Reactivation is a customer who returned after having canceled the first subscription. |
Order Number Of Reactivated Subscriptions | Number of reactivated subscriptions per order. Reactivation is a customer who returned after having canceled the first subscription. |
Order Oms Order Id | Unique key generated by Shopify that identifies an order. |
Order Tags | The order tags applied to a given order, in alphabetical order. |
Order Tags Count | The total number of order tags for a given order. |
Order Processing Method | How the payment was processed. |
Order Segment Anonymous Id | When available, this is where we store Segment's anonymous_id at the time of checkout. |
Order Source Name | Where did the order get created from. |
Product Handle | A unique human-friendly string for the product (i.e. slug). |
Product Id | Unique identifier for a Shopify Product at a specific point in time |
Product Is Active | Whether or not the product is active. |
Product Is Custom Item | Whether or not the product is a custom one. |
Product Oms Product Id | Unique key generated by Shopify that identifies a product. |
Product Type | A string that defines the type of the product. |
Product Title | The name of the product. |
Product Vendor | The name of item's supplier. |
Product Was Previously Deleted | Whether or not the product was previously deleted. |
Shipping Address 1 | The street address of the shipping address. |
Shipping Address 2 | An additional field for the street address of the shipping address. |
Shipping Address City | The city, town, or village of the shipping address. |
Shipping Address Company | The company associated to this shipping address. |
Shipping Address Country | The name of the country of the shipping address. |
Shipping Address Country Code | The two-letter code (ISO 3166-1 format) for the country of the shipping address. |
Shipping Address First Name | The first name of the person associated to this shipping address. |
Shipping Address Id | Unique identifier generated by Chord for a Shipping Address. |
Shipping Address Last Name | The last name of the person associated to this shipping address. |
Shipping Address Latitude | The latitude of the shipping address. |
Shipping Address Longitude | The longitude of the shipping address. |
Shipping Address Name | The full name of the person associated to this shipping address. |
Shipping Address Oms Shipping Address Id | Unique key generated by Shopify that identifies a shipping address. |
Shipping Address Phone | The phone number associated to this shipping address. |
Shipping Address Province | The name of the region (province, state, prefecture, ...) of the shipping address. |
Shipping Address Province Code | The two-letter abbreviation of the region of the shipping address. |
Shipping Address Zip | The postal code of the shipping address. |
Store Id | Unique key generated by our models that uniquifies a store. |
Store Name | The name of the store. |
Store Oms Admin Url | The Admin URL of that OMS. |
Store Oms Id | Unique key generated by Chord that uniquifies an OMS. |
Store Oms Store Id | Unique key generated by our models that uniquifies a store. |
Store Oms Type | The type of the OMS. |
Store Id | Unique key generated by our models that uniquifies a store. |
Store Tenant Id | Unique key generated by Chord that uniquifies a tenant. |
Store Url | The Storefront URL of of the store. |
User Completed Oms Order Ids | List of all completed OMS order ids for a user. |
User Completed Order Names | List of all completed order names for a user. |
User Email | The email of the customer. |
User First Completed Oms Order Id | Order id from the OMS for the first completed order. |
User First Completed Order Name | Order name for the first completed order. |
User First Name | The first name of the customer. |
User First Name Last Initial | The first name and last name initials of the customer. This appends the value of `first_name` and the first character of `last_name` together. |
User First Order Unique Ordered Products | List of unique products purchased by the user in their first completed order. |
User First Order Unique Ordered Skus | List of unique variant SKUs purchased by the user in their first completed order. |
User First Subscription Ids | Array of first subscription ids purchased by the user. The user may have more than one subscription created at the same time, resulting in more than one subscription counted as first. |
User Full Name | The full name of the customer. This appends the value of `first_name` and `last_name` together. |
User Has Ordered A La Carte | Whether or not the user has had at least one order that is not a part of a subscription. |
User Has Promo Applied In First Order | Whether the first completed order has a promo applied or not. |
User Has Reactivation Subscription | Whether or not the user has at least one subscription created after the first subscription is cancelled. |
User Has Subscription In First Order | Whether or not the user's first order is linked to a subscription. |
User Has Verified Email | Whether the customer has verified their email address. |
User Id | Unique identifier generated by Chord to identify the user. |
User Is Active Subscriber | Whether or not the user has an active subscription with at least one completed subscription order. An active subscription is one that is not cancelled or paused. Subscribers may have completed subscription orders on inactive subscriptions, but will not be considered active if their current subscription has no completed orders. |
User Is Customer | Whether the user has completed at least one order or not. |
User Is New Customer | Whether the user has completed one order or not. |
User Is Not Customer | Whether the user has no completed orders or not. |
User Is Returning Customer | Whether the user has completed more than one order or not. |
User Is Subscriber | Whether or not the user has completed at least one subscription order. |
User Last Name | The last name of the customer. |
User Last Subscription Ids | Array of last subscription ids purchased by a user. The user may have more than one subscription created at the same time, resulting in more than one subscription counted as last. |
User Number Of Cancelled Subscriptions | Total number of subscriptions the user has cancelled. |
User Number Of Completed A La Carte Orders | Total number of orders completed by a user that are a la carte. |
User Number Of Completed Orders | Total count of completed orders by the user. |
User Number Of Completed Subscription Orders | Total number of orders completed by a user that are part of a subscription. |
User Number Of Created Subscription Orders | Total number of orders created by a user that are part of a subscription. |
User Number Of Orders With Promos | Count of completed orders with a promo applied. |
User Number Of Reactivated Subscriptions | Total number of subscriptions for a user that are reactivations. These subscriptions may be active, inactive, or concurrent. |
User Number Of Subscriptions | Total number of subscriptions linked to a user. These subscriptions may be active, inactive, or concurrent. |
User Oms User Id | Unique identifier generated by the OMS to identify the user. |
User Phone | The phone number of the customer. |
User Unique Ordered Product Type | List of unique product types purchased by the user across all completed orders. |
User Unique Ordered Products | List of unique products purchased by the user across all completed orders. |
User Unique Ordered Skus | List of unique variant SKUs purchased by the user across all completed orders. |
Variant Barcode | The barcode, UPC, or ISBN number for the product. |
Variant Color | The color of the variant set in the Hub configuration. This field will be generated if the Hub Configuration is enabled and the value has been set. |
Variant Function | The function of the variant set in the Hub configuration. This field will be generated if the Hub Configuration is enabled and the value has been set. |
Variant Grams | The weight of the variant in grams. |
Variant Id | Unique identifier for a Shopify Variant at a specific point in time. |
Variant Is Taxable | Whether a tax is charged when the product variant is sold. |
Variant Material | The material of the variant set in the Hub configuration. This field will be generated if the Hub Configuration is enabled and the value has been set. |
Variant Oms Variant Id | Unique key generated by Shopify that identifies a variant. |
Variant Option 1 | The first custom property that is attached to the variant. |
Variant Option 2 | The second custom property that is attached to the variant. |
Variant Option 3 | The third custom property that is attached to the variant. |
Variant Other Attributes | Other attributes of the variant not captured in the defined attribute fields. These should be comma seperated and set in the Hub configuration. This field will be generated if the Hub Configuration is enabled and the value has been set. |
Variant Price | The price of the variant. |
Variant Product Category | Product Category is the highest level of the variant hierarchy. For example: Fruit > Berries > Strawberries, the Product Category is Fruit and covers all variants that are Fruit. This field will be generated if the Hub Configuration is enabled and the value has been set. |
Variant Product Class | Product Class is the third level of the variant hierarchy. For example: Fruit > Berries > Strawberries, the Product Class is Strawberries and includes only Berries that are Strawberries. There can be more than one variant within the class. This field will be generated if the Hub Configuration is enabled and the value has been set. |
Variant Product Subcategory | Product Subcategory is the middle level of the variant hierarchy. For example: Fruit > Berries > Strawberries, the Product Subcategory is Berries and includes only Fruits that are Berries. This field will be generated if the Hub Configuration is enabled and the value has been set. |
Variant Shape | The shape of the variant set in the Hub configuration. This field will be generated if the Hub Configuration is enabled and the value has been set. |
Variant Size | The size of the variant set in the Hub configuration. This field will be generated if the Hub Configuration is enabled and the value has been set. |
Variant Sku | A unique identifier for the product variant in the shop. |
Variant Style | The style of the variant set in the Hub configuration. This field will be generated if the Hub Configuration is enabled and the value has been set. |
Variant Title | The title of the variant. |
Order Cancelled At (Universal) | Reflects when the order was cancelled in Shopify - Universal Time Zone. |
Order Completed At (Central) | The timestamp when this order became completed - Cental Time Zone. |
Order Completed At (Eastern) | The timestamp when this order became completed - Eastern Time Zone. |
Order Completed At (Mountain) | The timestamp when this order became completed - Mountain Time Zone. |
Order Completed At (Pacific) | The timestamp when this order became completed - Pacific Time Zone. |
Order Completed At (Universal) | The timestamp when this order became completed - Universal Time Zone. |
Order Created At (Central) | Reflects when the entity was first created in Shopify - Cental Time Zone. |
Order Created At (Eastern) | Reflects when the entity was first created in Shopify - Eastern Time Zone. |
Order Created At (Mountain) | Reflects when the entity was first created in Shopify - Mountain Time Zone. |
Order Created At (Pacific) | Reflects when the entity was first created in Shopify - Pacific Time Zone. |
Order Created At (Universal) | Reflects when the entity was first created in Shopify - Universal Time Zone. |
Order Last Fulfillment At (Universal) | The maximum timestamp for the last update order fulfillment - Universal Time Zone. |
Order Updated At (Universal) | Reflects when the entity was last updated in Shopify - Universal Time Zone. |
User First Completed Order Completed At (Universal) | Timestamp for the first order completed - Universal Time Zone. |
User First Completed Order Created At (Universal) | Timestamp for the first completed order created - Universal Time Zone. |
User First Order Created At (Universal) | Timestamp of the first created order for the user - Universal Time Zone. |
User First Subscription Created At (Universal) | Timestamp of when the first subscription was created per user - Universal Time Zone. |
User First Subscription Order Completed At (Universal) | The timestamp of the user's first completed subscription order, regardless of subsequent subscriptions - Universal Time Zone. |
User First Subscription Order Created At (Universal) | The timestamp of the user's first completed subscription order, regardless of subsequent subscriptions - Universal Time Zone. |
User Last Completed Order Completed At (Universal) | Timestamp for the most recent order completed - Universal Time Zone. |
User Last Completed Order Created At (Universal) | Timestamp for the most recent completed order created - Universal Time Zone. |
Average Quantity | The quantity of variants sold. |
Average Sku Price | The price of the product that was purchased through this order. |
Average Total Price | The total price of the line item, not including any discounts. The total price is calculated using the original unit price multiplied by the quantity. |
Total Price | The total price of the line item, not including any discounts. The total price is calculated using the original unit price multiplied by the quantity. |
Quantity | The quantity of variants sold. |
Sku Price | The price of the product that was purchased through this order. |
Name | Description |
Order Contains Fulfillment Order | Whether the order contains a fulfillment order. |
Order Contains Multipay Subscription Installment | Whether the order contains a multipay order. |
Order Contains Payment Order | Whether the order contains a payment order. |
Order Installment Charge Ids | Array of Recharge charge ids for the installments in the order, if there is more than one multipay subscription represented, there will be a unique array per installment. |
Order Installment Recharge Order Ids | Array of Recharge order ids for the installments in the order, if there is more than one multipay subscription represented, there will be a unique array per installment. |
Order Installment Shopify Order Ids | Array of the Shopify order ids for the installments in the order, if there is more than one multipay subscription represented, there will be a unique array per installment. |
Order Included Installment Count | Count of total installments in the order. |
Order Included Payment Plans | Array of payment plans included in the order. If an order contains multiple subscriptions, each subscription will be represented. |
Average Total Child Refunds | The total adjusted dollars that were refunded to a child installment order for paid orders. |
Average Total Child Shipping Received | Total shipping paid for child orders within an installment. Shipping is included for the first installment order of a child-only order if the order is mixed. If the order contains a fulfillment order, the shipping will remain attached to the fulfillment order. |
Average Total Child Unit Price Received | The total unit price received for child order payments for the installment. Payments are included if the payment status is recorded as 'success', 'refunded', or 'partially_refunded'. |
Average Total Fulfillment Unit Price Received | The total unit price received for fulfillment order payments for the installment. Payments are included if the payment status is recorded as 'success', 'refunded', or 'partially_refunded'. |
Average Total Subscription Installment Value | The total unit price of the installment, calculated as fulfillment order (unit price * quantity) * total expected payments. |
Average Total Unit Price Remaining | The total installment value minus the total fulfillment and child payments received. |
Average Total Estimated Shipping Price | The total estimated shipping across all installments in the order. |
Average Total Estimated Item Tax | The total estimated item tax across all installments in the order. |
Average Total Estimated Shipping Tax | The total estimated shipping tax across all installments in the order. |
Total Child Refunds | The total adjusted dollars that were refunded to a child installment order for paid orders. |
Total Child Shipping Received | Total shipping paid for child orders within an installment. Shipping is included for the first installment order of a child-only order if the order is mixed. If the order contains a fulfillment order, the shipping will remain attached to the fulfillment order. |
Total Child Unit Price Received | The total unit price received for child order payments for the installment. Payments are included if the payment status is recorded as 'success', 'refunded', or 'partially_refunded'. |
Total Fulfillment Unit Price Received | The total unit price received for fulfillment order payments for the installment. Payments are included if the payment status is recorded as 'success', 'refunded', or 'partially_refunded'. |
Total Subscription Installment Value | The total unit price of the installment, calculated as fulfillment order (unit price * quantity) * total expected payments. |
Total Unit Price Remaining | The total installment value minus the total fulfillment and child payments received. |
Total Estimated Shipping Price | The total estimated shipping across all installments in the order. |
Total Estimated Item Tax | The total estimated item tax across all installments in the order. |
Total Estimated Shipping Tax | The total estimated shipping tax across all installments in the order. |
Name | Description |
Order Applied Discount Codes | Discount code applied to the order. |
Name | Description |
Order Tags | Order tag(s) applied to the order. |