Chord Commerce Data Platform
Dashboards and Looks

Creating Custom Reports


The default timezone in Looker for OMS timestamps is UTC, whereas the OMS UI displays EST.

Within Looker, we've added additional timezone options for some of our timestamps but not for Order Approved Date. Custom time zones can be created with a custom field and can be submitted as a feature request.


Chord encourages you to create custom analyses, reports, and dashboards using our modeled data in the best self-served fashion.

Reports let you visualize your data, gain insights, and share those insights with others. You can share these reports with others and let them view the data or give them edit access to change the report structure.

This article will help you create a report useful to your business. So that you know, you can modify the examples provided to create the custom report of your choice.

Look at Cloud Skill Boosts to learn more about what you can create with Looker.

Creating Reports

Let's assume you need to know how many of your products were sold in a month or quarter.

Navigate to Explore and click Line Items

Explore - Line Items
Explore - Line Items

Click on Order, scroll down to select Order State and Filter by field

Order State
Order State

Click on the field next to "is equal to" and select complete

Selecting Order is Complete, eliminates all orders that are in draft mode, and therefore ensures that your totals are accurate.

Order State = Completed
Order State = Completed

Now let's select the date range you'd want to use. In this example we will use quarterly.

Click on Order Completed Date, select Order Completed Date and Filter by field

Completed Date
Completed Date

Select Q4, the last quarter

Date Range
Date Range

Now let's select the data you want to visualize for this report.

Click Visualization and select Table (Legacy) in the ... dropdown


The last piece is to select the table you'd like to see in your report.

Under Product, select Product Name and click Pivot Data

Product Name
Product Name

Under Order select Order Number

Under Line Items select: Line Item Price, Adjusted Total Price, and Tax Total and click Run

Your Sales by Products report is done! You can Edit it or Save it as is. You can also download it as a CSV file

Click the Gear Settings icon and click Download


Select CSV in the dropdown and click Download

CSV file format
CSV file format

Exporting from the Explorer lets you add the current chart displayed in the exploration tab to a new report, or to an existing report. Any filters, date ranges, or other customizations you applied to the chart in the exploration are copied to the chart in the report.