Chord OMS
Developer Tools

Quick Start


Chord has a starter that allows you to get a fully functional ecommerce site up and running in a few minutes. Our starter is built on the Gatsby framework, so we'll use the Gatsby CLI.

This guide assumes you already have Node.js and Git installed on your machine. If you don't, there are some helpful instructions in Gatsby's documentation.

Configure access to Chord's private Github repositories

In order to install the necessary Chord packages, follow the guide below on how to configure your package manager to access Chord's packages.

Create a new site

Click the "Use this template" button on the starter Github repository to create a new Github repository in your account with the same files and folders, or fork the repo. Then clone your new repo onto your local machine:


Configure your site's environment


You'll need to populate this .env file with some environment variables, including your Shopify storefront access token and credentials to your Contentful space. Talk to the Chord team to get these.

Start your development server

Install project dependencies:


After installation is complete, start the development server:


You can see your new site at http://localhost:8000. Hot reload is enabled by default.

That's it! You're off and running. ✨

Updated 03 Mar 2023
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