Importing Data
The Importer allows you to import certain data, such as Orders, Products, Customers, Gift Cards, and Subscriptions, from other popular e-commerce solutions, such as Shopify, to Chord OMS using templates.
There is also a Batch Import tool for importing collections of Orders. Refer to this document for details on the batch importer.
The Importer tool in the OMS --> Importer can import four different data types:
- Orders
- Products
- Customers
- Subscriptions
New Import: CTA, Call to Action, button used to Import Data
Type: Type of Import you are performing
State: State of the import just performed. Whether it has failed, completed or in Process
Date Fields: Date of Import
Filter Results: To filter and narrow out your results
Columns: Display of information
ID: Click here to see more details about the Import
Details: Click here to see more details about the Import. It is the same details as clicking on ID
The importer loads data from uploaded CSV files. Templates CSV files are available on the Importer page.
Click Subscriptions, and the OMS will download a template.
You should copy and paste it into Google Sheets or Excel and use it as a guide.
90% of failed Imports are due to bad formatting!
Once you have all your data in your file, save it and download it as a CSV file to your computer.
Click New Import, select Subscriptions in the dropdown, and select your file.
Click Create
Subscriptions Fields
ID: During future imports, the importer will raise an error is OMS already has a subscription with this value. Make sure the ID is unique
Interval: day, week, month. This field is case sensitive. If you type DAY, you would see an error like this: Invalid Subscription interval provided. Must be day, week, month or year
Currency: Ex - USD or CAD
Email: email address of the subscriber/customer
Length: Interval length of the Subscription
Start: Not Required.
If Start Date is left blank, the Actionable Date in the Subscription will default to <todays date>.
If Start Date is in the future and Actionable Date is blank: Actionable Date will be set to Start Date provided
If Start Date is in the past and Actionable Date is blank: Actionable Date will be set to Start Date provided
If Start Date and Actionable Date is left blank: Actionable Date will be blank
Billing First Name: Billing Information below
Billing Last Name:
Billing Add 1:
Billing Add 2:
Billing City:
Billing Company:
Billing Zip:
Billing Phone:
Billing Country Code:
Billing Province Code:
Shipping First Name: Shipping Information below
Shipping Last Name:
Shipping City:
Shipping Company:
Shipping Zip:
Shipping Phone:
Shipping Country Code:
Shipping Province Code:
Line Item SKU: Make sure that the Product listed is spelled exactly the same as in the OMS (Slug)
Line iTEM QTY: Number of items in that Subscription
Previous Installment Count: The current position of a customer in a sequential subscription. It is not 0-indexed.
For example, consider a subscription for an Assortment was imported. The Assortment consists of 6 different products where each month, the customer receives a different product in sequence. The subscription was imported partway through the Assortment cadence. The customer already received 4 of 6 installments. This value will be 4, meaning that the next installment they should receive is #5.
State: active or inactive - Defaults to Active if left blank.
When you Activate a subscription, the Actionable Date will be set based on the Interval units. For example, if your Interval unit is one month, it will set it to <today's Date + 1 month) This field is case-sensitive; make sure the spelling is correct, as the import will go through, but the subscription will not create.
Pause: True or False
Actionable Date: Not Required. The next actionable date will be set based on the Start Date in the importer row:
Payment Method: The payment method that is associated to the subscription. That payment is required because a subscription cannot be created without a payment method (or source). By default, OMS will link the imported subscription to a dummy payment method.
Payment Token: For payment methods that require a token, the importer will include this value in the payment source created for the payment method.
For example, if the Payment Method for a row is SolidusPaypalBraintree::Gateway, the value in the Payment Token column is inserted in the Braintree payment source created for the imported subscription.
Payment Token Type:
User ID: Not Required. The Customer's ID from your legacy platform. This Customer ID will show in the Payment Source in the Subscription
Tag: Not Required Tag does not have to exist in the OMS. If you add a tag that does not exist in the OMS, the import will create it
Created At: Date Subscription was created
Notes: Not Required. When a Subscription Order is created, the Notes will display in Order Information.
The importer loads data from uploaded CSV files. Templates CSV files are available on the Importer page.
Click Customers, and the OMS will download a template.
You should copy and paste it into Google Sheets or Excel and use it as a guide.
90% of failed Imports are due to bad formatting!
Once you have all your data in your file, save it and download it to your computer as a CSV file.
Click New Import, select Customers in the dropdown and select your file.
Click Create.
Customers Fields
Email: Customer's email address
First Name: Customer's first name
Last Name: Customer's last name
Address 1: Customer's address
Address 2: Customer's address
City: Customer's city
Zip: Customer's zip code
Phone: Customer's phone
Country Code: Customer's Country
Province Code: Customer's State
Created At: Member Since
The importer loads data from uploaded CSV files. Templates CSV files are available on the Importer page.
Click Orders, and the OMS will download a template.
You should copy and paste it into Google Sheets or Excel and use it as a guide.
90% of failed Imports are due to bad formatting!
Once you have all your data in your file, save it and download it to your computer as a CSV file.
Click New Import, select Orders in the dropdown and select your file.
Click Create.
Orders Fields
Name: Order Number
Processed At: Completed at date
Currency: Defaults to USD
Email: Customer's email
Note: Notes displaying in Order under Order Information
Billing First Name: Customer's Billing information
Billing Last Name
Billing Address1
Billing Address2
Billing City
Billing Company
Billing zip
Billing Phone
Billing Country Code
Billing Province Code
Shipping First Name: Customer's shipping info
Shipping Last Name
Shipping Address1
Shipping Address2
Shipping City
Shipping Company
Shipping zip
Shipping Phone
Shipping Country Code
Shipping Province Code
Lineitem sku: SKU of product in order
Lineitem quantity: Quantity of SKU in order
Lineitem price: Price of that SKU
Shipping Line Title: Stock Location name
Lineitem fulfillment status: Whether the order is fulfilled or not
Shipping Line Price: flat rate applied shipping price a the line item level
Financial Status: Payment Status
Channel: Order Channel
Tag: Order Tag, if it doesn't exist prior the import it will be created
Subscription Order: If a Subscription order exists provide it here
Subscription ID: If a Subscription order exists provide it here
The importer loads data from uploaded CSV files. Templates CSV files are available on the Importer page.
Click Products, and the OMS will download a template.
You should copy and paste it into Google Sheets or Excel and use it as a guide.
90% of failed Imports are due to bad formatting!
Once you have all your data in your file, save it and download it to your computer as a CSV file. Click New Import, select Products in the dropdown and select your file.
Click Create.
Handle: Slug in the OMS
Title: name of Product
Published: If product exists in CMS mark it as TRUE
Variant SKU: Variant's SKU
Variant Weight: Variant's weight
Variant Price: Variant's Price
Option1 Value: As an example, Blue
Option1 Name: As an example, color
Option2 Name: As an example, weight
Option3 Name: As an example, size
Option2 Value: As an example, 5
Option3 Value: As an example, M, L, S
Image Src: Location of image
Alt Text: Alternative Text for product name
Variant Image: Location of other images for the products’ variants
Can I import, for legacy purposes, discontinued SKUs (and therefore not present in the OMS)? No, a SKU need to exist in the OMS to be imported.
Would there be a better solution than temporarily re-creating defunct/discontinued products in our CMS, syncing them to the OMS, importing rows that contain them, then deleting the defunct product? Yes, there’s a Product CSV sample on the Importer page in the OMS. Failed import:
- Subscription with import number 7 already exists: make sure that the ID is a unique ID and has never been used in previous Import
- Invalid byte sequence in UTF-8 in line 1: You aren't using a CSV file. Make sure you are using a comma separated value file to Import
- Validation failed: Amount Authorized exceeds the available credit: When importing credit, make sure that the Authorized Amount equals the Amount + Amount Due fields
- Store credit category does not exist: A Store Credit Type must exist and match the Category field when importing Store Credit. These Types can be found in Users