Stock Locations
Stock locations represent physical storage locations from which stock is shipped. If you sell different products such as clothes and merchandise you can set up multiple Stock Locations.
The OMS can manage your store's inventory. This allows you to keep track of your current stock, backordered stock, as well as sold and shipped inventory. Because inventory touches orders, shipments, and the contents of your physical warehouse, there are many essential moving parts.
On-hand inventory is tracked using your Stock Item. Each Variant in your store has a corresponding Stock Item with a count_on_hand value that represents the number of items you have in stock.
If you have two stock locations, there are two Stock Items for each variant in your store: one for each Stock Location. Each stock item count represents the number of stock items at a specific location.
When creating a Stock Location ensure to provide all general and address information:
Name is required: This is the name of your Stock location, i.e., HQ or Shipstation or the name of your warehouse.
Code is not required and can be used as a unique text identifier. This can be helpful when trying to determine stock locations in integrations.
Internal Name: This field is only used internally
Channels If a Channel is specified, this stock location will only fulfill orders mapped to that channel. If this field is left empty, the OMS will use the stock location to fulfill all orders regardless of their channel
Channels are a way to define/organize orders within the OMS. Effectively a channel says “how” and which avenue an order came through. If an order is created manually via the OMS admin, the channel defaults to “admin.” Suppose the order was a subscription, the channel defaults to “subscription,” etc.
Fulfillment Service: Select your 3PL. See the Fulfillment Services section below.
Address: Address of your stock location
Settings section
Active: If unchecked, your stock will not be available at this location. Check to activate.
Default: Check if this Stock Location is your default location.
Backorderable Default: When checked, stock items in this location will default to allowing backorders.
Propagate All Variants: When checked, this will create a stock item for each variant at this location.
Restock Inventory: Returned inventory can be added back to this stock location when this option is checked. When you perform an RMA and select that stock location, it will not restock if the checkbox is not selected.
Fulfillable: When unchecked, this indicates that items in this location don't require actual fulfillment. The system will not send an email confirmation, and there will be no stock verification when shipping.
Check Stock on Transfer: The inventory level will be checked when performing stock transfers.
After creating your Stock Location, navigate to your Product Store Stock. Products --> product --> Product Stock
For more information about Products and Inventory please refer to this document