Stock Requests
Name | Description |
Product Description | The description of the product. |
Product Id | Unique key generated by Chord to identify a unique product. |
Product Is Adult Signature Required | If an adult's signature is required. |
Product Is Promotionable | Whether promotions can apply to the product. |
Product Name | The name of the product. |
Product Oms Product Id | Unique key generated by Solidus that identifies a product. |
Product Property Gender | Product property gender. |
Product Slug | The slug of the product. |
Stock Request Id | Unique key generated by Chord to identify a unique stock request. |
Stock Request Oms Stock Request Id | Unique key generated by Solidus that identifies a stock request. |
Stock Request Requester Email | Email address of the user requesting stock. |
Stock Request Status | Status of the stock request. |
Store Id | Unique key generated by our models that uniquifies a store. |
Store Name | The name of the store. |
Store Oms Admin Url | The Admin URL of that OMS. |
Store Oms Id | Unique key generated by Chord that uniquifies an OMS. |
Store Oms Store Id | Unique key generated by our models that uniquifies a store. |
Store Oms Type | The type of the OMS. |
Store Id | Unique key generated by our models that uniquifies a store. |
Store Tenant Id | Unique key generated by Chord that uniquifies a tenant. |
Store Url | The Storefront URL of of the store. |
Variant Cost Price | The manufacturing cost of the variant. |
Variant Depth | The depth of the variant. |
Variant Height | The height of the variant. |
Variant Id | Unique key generated by Chord to identify a unique product variant. |
Variant Is Backorderable | Whether the stock item has at least one location where it is back-orderable or not. |
Variant Is Inventory Tracked | Whether the inventory should or should not be tracked for this variant. |
Variant Is Master | Whether this represents the master SKU or not. |
Variant Is Subscribable | Whether or not a customer can ask to subscribe to this product. |
Variant Oms Variant Id | Unique key generated by Solidus that identifies a variant. |
Variant Option Color | Color of the variant. |
Variant Option Format | Format of the variant. |
Variant Option Quantity | Quantity of item for the variant. |
Variant Option Size | Size of the variant. |
Variant Position | The position of the variant in the list of variants. |
Variant Sku | The SKU of the variant. |
Variant Weight | The weight of the variant. |
Variant Width | The weight of the variant. |
Product Created At (Universal) | Reflects when the entity was first created in Solidus - Universal Time Zone. |
Product Deleted At (Universal) | Reflects when the entity was deleted - Universal Time Zone. |
Product Discontinued At (Universal) | Reflects when the entity was discontinued - Universal Time Zone. |
Product Updated At (Universal) | Reflects when the entity was last updated in Solidus - Universal Time Zone. |
Stock Request Created At (Universal) | Timestamp at which the stock request was created - Universal Time Zone. |
Stock Request Updated At (Universal) | Timestamp at which the stock request was last updated - Universal Time Zone. |
Variant Created At (Universal) | Reflects when the entity was first created in Solidus - Universal Time Zone. |
Variant Deleted At (Universal) | Reflects when the entity was deleted - Universal Time Zone. |
Variant Updated At (Universal) | Reflects when the entity was last updated in Solidus - Universal Time Zone. |