User Roles
Your store can have multiple internal users who can log in to the Chord OMS and manage the day-to-day functions. Each user should have their account, with permissions limited to only their areas of role and responsibility
A User Role is a built-in collection of user permissions that defines a specific job. A Role helps improve efficiency and reduce the risk of human error by enabling you to delegate responsibilities and permissions to specific users only. You can also use Roles in conjunction with Promotions, such as Employee discounts or Affiliate Programs, to name a few.
Click Users --> Manage User Roles
Chord OMS comes with the following roles: Admin- allows the User to log in and manage the Chord OMS Affiliate- in conjunction with the Affiliate Promotion Rule

Click New Role
You have the option to link a particular User to the newly created role, and once the Role is created, you can effortlessly associate your users with it with a single click.

For a more technical approach, you can accomplish it via the API - Please refer to this document.
To remove the Role from a User, uncheck the box and click on Update. You can perform this task through the API: Please refer to this document
The User Role(s) Promotion Rule can be found by navigating to the Promotions page and browsing the available User Role(s) Rule.
For more information about Promotions, please refer to this article

if you have any questions or need help, please reach out to us at [email protected]