Name | Description |
Forecasted First Month Revenue | Forecasted First Month Revenue is a sum of the 'best guess' forecasts of net revenue that will generated by users in their first month. |
Forecasted New Users Count | Forecasted New Users Count is the 'best guess' forecast for the period. New users is a sum of all first time purchase users in the period. |
Forecasted Re-engaged Users Revenue | Forecasted Re-engaged Users Revenue is a sum of the 'best guess' forecasted net revenue from non-first time users over the period. |
Forecasted Net Revenue | Forecasted Net Revenue is the 'best guess' forecast for the period. |
Historic New Users Count | Historic New Users Count is the sum of all first time purchase users in the period. |
Historic First Month Revenue | Historic First Month Revenue is the sum all net revenue from users in their first one of purchasing. |
Historic Re-engaged Users Revenue | Historic Re-engaged Users Revenue is a sum of the non-first time user net revenue over the period. |
Historical Net Revenue | Historical Net Revenue is the sum of historical net revenue for the period. |
Forecasted Lower Bound First Month Revenue | Forecasted Lower Bound First Month Revenue is an estimated lower bound of the forecast, assuming all other factors stay constant and excluding exogenous factors such as the changes in the macro economy. |
Forecasted Lower Bound New Users | Forecasted Lower Bound New Users is an estimated lower bound of the forecast, assuming all other factors stay constant and excluding exogenous factors such as the changes in the macro economy. |
Forecasted Lower Bound Reengage Revenue | Forecasted Lower Bound Reengage Revenue is an estimated lower bound of the forecast, assuming all other factors stay constant and excluding exogenous factors such as the changes in the macro economy. |
Forecasted Lower Bound Net Revenue | Forecasted Lower Bound Net Revenue is an estimated lower bound of the forecast, assuming all other factors stay constant and excluding exogenous factors such as the changes in the macro economy. |
Forecasted Upper Bound First Month Revenue | Forecasted Upper Bound First Month Revenue is an estimated upper bound of the forecast, assuming all other factors stay constant and excluding exogenous factors such as the changes in the macro economy. |
Forecasted Upper Bound New Users | Forecasted Upper Bound New Users is an estimated upper bound of the forecast, assuming all other factors stay constant and excluding exogenous factors such as the changes in the macro economy. |
Forecasted Upper Bound Reengage Revenue | Forecasted Upper Bound Reengage Revenue is an estimated upper bound of the forecast, assuming all other factors stay constant and excluding exogenous factors such as the changes in the macro economy. |
Forecasted Upper Bound Net Revenue | Forecasted Upper Bound Net Revenue is an estimated upper bound of the forecast, assuming all other factors stay constant and excluding exogenous factors such as the changes in the macro economy. |
Date (Universal) | Date is the day that measure was completed in - Universal Time Zone. |
Forecasted First Month Revenue | Forecasted First Month Revenue is a sum of the 'best guess' forecasts of net revenue that will generated by users in their first month. |
Forecasted Lower Bound First Month Revenue | Forecasted Lower Bound First Month Revenue is an estimated lower bound of the forecast, assuming all other factors stay constant and excluding exogenous factors such as the changes in the macro economy. |
Forecasted Lower bound Net Revenue | Forecasted Lower Bound Net Revenue is an estimated lower bound of the forecast, assuming all other factors stay constant and excluding exogenous factors such as the changes in the macro economy. |
Forecasted Lower Bound New Users | Forecasted Lower Bound New Users is an estimated lower bound of the forecast, assuming all other factors stay constant and excluding exogenous factors such as the changes in the macro economy. |
Forecasted Lower Bound Reengage Revenue | Forecasted Lower Bound Reengage Revenue is an estimated lower bound of the forecast, assuming all other factors stay constant and excluding exogenous factors such as the changes in the macro economy. |
Forecasted Net Revenue | Forecasted Net Revenue is the 'best guess' forecast for the period. |
Forecasted New Users Count | Forecasted New Users Count is the 'best guess' forecast for the period. New users is a sum of all first time purchase users in the period. |
Forecasted Reengaged Users Revenue | Forecasted Re-engaged Users Revenue is a sum of the 'best guess' forecasted net revenue from non-first time users over the period. |
Forecasted Upper Bound First Month Revenue | Forecasted Upper Bound First Month Revenue is an estimated upper bound of the forecast, assuming all other factors stay constant and excluding exogenous factors such as the changes in the macro economy. |
Forecasted Upper bound Net Revenue | Forecasted Upper Bound Net Revenue is an estimated upper bound of the forecast, assuming all other factors stay constant and excluding exogenous factors such as the changes in the macro economy. |
Forecasted Upper Bound New Users | Forecasted Upper Bound New Users is an estimated upper bound of the forecast, assuming all other factors stay constant and excluding exogenous factors such as the changes in the macro economy. |
Forecasted Upper Bound Reengage Revenue | Forecasted Upper Bound Reengage Revenue is an estimated upper bound of the forecast, assuming all other factors stay constant and excluding exogenous factors such as the changes in the macro economy. |
Historic First Month Revenue | Historic First Month Revenue is the sum all net revenue from users in their first one of purchasing. |
Historic New Users Count | Historic New Users Count is the sum of all first time purchase users in the period. |
Historic Reengaged Users Revenue | Historic Re-engaged Users Revenue is a sum of the non-first time user net revenue over the period. |
Historical Net Revenue | Historical Net Revenue is the sum of historical net revenue for the period. |