Chord Commerce Data Platform
Model Amplifications

Order Filter


Note: Our Model Amplifications feature only accepts files in CSV format at this time. Please make sure the files you upload are CSV files.


At Chord, we currently surface Orders and Sales that includes completed and not canceled orders. Additionally, our Orders model includes all orders in our database regardless of processing state.

However, some brands have different needs with regard to orders are filtered. The Order Filter configuration adds a flag for orders that a brand would like to easily remove from analysis.

Note: Orders that are flagged filtered_order = true are orders that the brand would like to filter out of their analysis.

Sample Use Cases

Chord has listed several attributes and conditions to create the filter. These are a few sample use cases. However, if a brand needs a an attribute included, these may be expanded by reaching out to [email protected].

Brands may want to exclude orders that meet conditions like:

  • Contain certain products, like gift cards or samples.
  • Users with emails like test@.
  • Orders prior to a certain date.
  • Specific problematic order numbers.
  • Fulfillment state is fulfilled.

The configuration allows for conditions to the different dimensions including Equals, Does not Equal, Greater Than, Less Than, Greater Than or Equal to, Less Than of Equal to, Is, and Is Not. Additionally, the configuration allows for dependent conditions.

In the Analytics explores, this filter can be applied to filter out these orders to reduce noise in the analysis.