Chord Commerce Data Platform
Model Amplifications

Planned Forecasts


Note: Our Model Amplifications feature only accepts files in CSV format at this time. Please make sure the files you upload are CSV files.


Chord Performance brands can now upload their daily planned forecasts of gross and net revenue along with number of orders and number of customers. With this, brands can now track their store performance comparing their forecasts with actuals.

How It Works

This amplification allows input of data at different levels of detail.

  1. The fields Date an Forecast Version Name are required and cannot be left blank. 
  2. The fields Is New Customer, Variant Product Category, and Variant Product Subcategory can be left blank to forecast different level of details:
    1. When Is New Customer is left blank it will be considered as All type of customers, meaning both new and returning customers.
    2. When Variant Product Category is left blank it will be considered as All product categories.
    3. When Variant Product Subcategory is left blank it will be considered as All product subcategories.
  3. Fill the rest of the fields with the forecasted value. Take into account the definition of each metric:
    1. Gross Revenue: Gross revenue of the orders calculated as item_total + fulfillment_total
    2. Net Revenue: Net revenue of the orders calculated as item_total + fulfillment_total - promo_total - refund_total
    3. Fulfillment Total: The total shipping revenue
    4. Promo Total: The total discounts applied to the price of the order
    5. Refund Total: The total refund transactions applied to the order

Based on the above, there are six (6) possible levels of detail in this amplification (with each level's required attribute(s)):

  • Total Daily Forecast
    • No fields required
  • Customer Type Daily Forecast
    • Is New Customer
  • Subcategory Daily Forecast
    • Variant Product Subcategory
    • NOTE: If the Variant Product Subcategory is filled, the corresponding Variant Product Category must be filled as well, otherwise it will appear as NOT-PROVIDED.
  • Category Daily Forecast
    • Variant Product Category
  • Customer Type by Category Forecast
    • Is New Customer
    • Variant Product Category
  • Full Detail Forecast
    • Is New Customer
    • Variant Product Category
    • Variant Product Subcategory

Planned Forecasts Variances Explore

Document image

With this amplification, Performance brands now have the ability to log forecasts at different levels of detail and can have several different forecast versions (tracked via the Forecast Version Name in the amplification).

To correctly visualize the data and the variance metrics, you must first filter the explore by selecting one value for Level Of Detail and one for Forecast Version Name (both of these fields are under the group Forecast Parameters).

Once the filters are set, you can drag and drop the desired dimensions and metrics.