The Chord Tracking Plan
The Chord tracking plan specifies events that Chord sends to Segment, including events coming from the Chord OMS source and the website front-end source via Chord's SDKs.
Please review the Procotols Tracking Plan in your Segment account to explore the event properties and types.
Name | Description | Recommended Segment Source |
Account Created | A new account is created. | |
Ambassador Signup Created | Visitor signs up for information on the Ambassador program. | |
Cart Viewed | A user viewed their shopping cart | front-end |
Checkout Abandoned | The user abandoned the checkout process | back-end |
Checkout Completed | Fired when a customer visits the checkout#success and is mainly used for conversion campaigns | front-end |
Checkout Started | User initiated the order process (a transaction is created) | back-end, front-end |
Checkout Step Completed | User completed a checkout step | |
Checkout Step Viewed | User viewed a checkout step | |
Collection Clicked | User clicked on a Collection | front-end |
Coupon Applied | Coupon was applied on a user’s shopping cart or order | front-end |
Coupon Denied | Coupon was denied from a user’s shopping cart or order | front-end |
Coupon Entered | User entered a coupon on a shopping cart or order | front-end |
Coupon Removed | User removed a coupon from a cart or order | front-end |
Email Bounced | This event should be sent when an email tool receives notice from an email server that an email is undeliverable. | |
Email Captured | Email entered in a form on the website | front-end |
Email Delivered | This event should be fired when the receiving mail server confirms receipt of an email. | |
Email Link Clicked | This event should be fired when the recipient clicks on a link in the email’s body. | |
Email Marked As Spam | This event should be fired when a recipient marks an email as spam. | |
Email Opened | This event should be fired when the recipient opens the email. | |
Email Queued | These events are very similar to the non-email business process events except they contain a lot more context about each business event that has taken place within the OMS. The main purpose of these events is to use the information to build out transactional emails using a third party service. | back-end |
Invite Sent | Customer invites another customer (Referral) | |
Item Restocked | Item back in stock | back-end |
Login Started | Registrant starts to sign in | front-end |
Order Cancelled | Fired when an order is cancelled | back-end |
Order Completed | User completed the order | back-end, front-end |
Order Cross Sell Completed | Fired when a user has purchased additional items during the cross sell flow post checkout | |
Page Viewed | | |
Payment Info Entered | User added payment information | |
Product Added | User added a product to their shopping cart | front-end |
Product Clicked | User clicked on a product | front-end |
Product List Filtered | User filtered a product list or category | front-end |
Product List Viewed | User viewed a product list or category | front-end |
Product Removed | User removed a product from their shopping cart | front-end |
Product Reviewed | User reviewed a product | |
Product Viewed | User viewed a product details | front-end |
Promotion Clicked | User clicked on promotion | |
Promotion Viewed | User viewed promotion | |
Shipment Delivered | Fired when a shipment has been delivered. | back-end |
Shipment Shipped | User shipment is shipped | back-end |
Shipment Updated | Movement or activity registered for a given shipment | |
Signed In | Registrant Signs In | front-end |
Signed Out | Registrant Signs Out | front-end |
Signed Up | Visitor signs up for an account, becoming a registrant | |
Stock Request Created | A new stock request has been created | front-end |
Subscription Activated | A canceled subscription was activated/reactivated. | back-end |
Subscription Address Updated | Address associated with subscription is updated | |
Subscription Canceled | A subscription was canceled, either by the customer or by OMS because the subscription is failing and exceeded the maximum number of retry attempts. | back-end |
Subscription Auto Renewed | Subscription passed the most recent order date, but has not passed the end date. Fired when a new subscription installment is created and the customer is charged. | back-end |
Subscription Cancelled | Subscription cancelled by the user, or failure to auto-renew. | front-end |
Subscription Created | Subscription created | back-end |
Subscription Expired | Subscription passed the end date, and new orders will no longer be created at the interval specified. | back-end |
Subscription Failed | An installment generated by the subscription failed to complete. | back-end |
Subscription Installment Insufficient Stock | A subscription installment failed because a variant is out of stock. | |
Subscription Order Skipped | The upcoming order in a subscription is skipped, making the next order. | front-end |
Subscription Paused | The subscription is paused, and the processing date is indicated on the `actionable_date` property. A `null` date indi... | front-end |
Subscription Payment Failed | Fired when the subscription installment payment fails due to an invalid credit card. | back-end |
Subscription Reminder Sent | When the reminder mail and the last chance reminder mail are sent, this new event is triggered | back-end |
Subscription Resumed | The paused subscription is resumed, and the processing date is indicated on the `actionable-date` property. | front-end |
Unsubscribed | This event should be fired when the recipient unsubscribes from the email. The unsubscription can either happen for a pa... | |
User Created | Fired when a new user account has been created | back-end |
User Updated | Fired when an existing user’s information has been updated. | back-end |
Variant Clicked | The user clicked on a product variation | front-end |