Chord Commerce Data Platform
Chord Data Attribute Definitio...

Line Items





Order Account Id

ID generated by chord to identify the account.

Order Bill To Contact Id

ID of the Contact associated with the Order Summary. It represents the shopper in the storefront when not using person accounts.

Order Billing City

Billing address city.

Order Billing Country

Billing address country.

Order Billing Email Address

Email address on the billing address.

Order Billing State

Billing address state.

Order Billing State Country

The billing state or country of the order. Default to billing country if state is unavailable.

Order Currency Iso Code

Available only for stores with the multicurrency feature enabled. Contains the ISO code for the currency of the original Order associated with the Order Summary. The default value is USD. Possible values are: DKK—Danish Krone, EUR—Euro, GBP—British Pound, USD—U.S. Dollar.

Order Fulfillment Ids

IDs generated by Chord to identify the fulfillments associated with the order.

Order Fulfillment Numbers

The fulfillment numbers associated with the order.

Order Fulfillment Statuses

The fulfillment statuses associated with the order.

Order Has A Shipped Fulfillment

A flag marking if an order has a shipped fulfillment.

Order Hours To First Delivery

The number of hours between when the order was created and the first fulfillment was created.

Order Hours To Last Delivery

The number of hours between when the order was created and the last, most recent, fulfillment was created.

Order Id

ID generated by Chord to identify the order.

Order Is Canceled

Whether an order is canceled.

Order Is Completed

Whether an order is completed. An order is considered complete if it has a status of 'Fulfilled' or 'Returned' or it has a status 'Canceled' and has a payment associated with it.

Order Line Description

Description of the Order Item Summary. This field can be edited in the OMS.

Order Line Fulfillment Ids

ID generated by Chord to identify the fulfillment ids associated with the order item.

Order Line Fulfillment Item Ids

IDs generated by Chord to identify the fulfillment items associated with the order item.

Order Line Gross Unit Price

Unit price, including tax, of the Order Item Summary. This value is equal to the single Unit Price + the amount of tax on the single Unit Price. Note that this field is rounded.

Order Line Id

ID generated by Chord to identify the order line.

Order Line Is Completed

Whether an order is completed. An order is considered complete if it has a status of 'Fulfilled' or 'Returned' or it has a status 'Canceled' and has a payment associated with it.

Order Line Number

The order line number assigned to this Order Item Summary. For example, if this object is the third in the displayed list of Order Item Summaries belonging to the Order Summary, this value is 3.

Order Line List Price

List price of the product represented by this Order Item Summary.

Order Line Name

Name of the Order Item Summary.

Order Line Number Of Fulfillments

The number of fulfillments associated with the order item.

Order Line Oms Fulfillment Ids

ID generated by the OMS to identify the fulfillment ids associated with the order item.

Order Line Oms Fulfillment Item Ids

ID generated by the OMS to identify the fulfillment items associated with the order item.

Order Line Oms Order Item Id

The ID generated by the oms for the order item summary.

Order Line Oms Return Order Ids

IDs generated by the OMS to identify the return order.

Order Line Oms Return Order Item Ids

IDs generated by the OMS to identify the return items associated with the order item.

Order Line Product Code

Product code of the product represented by this Order Item Summary.

Order Line Product Id

ID generated by chord to identify the product associated with the order line.

Order Line Promotion Details Collection

Promotion details to of the Order Item Summary.

Order Line Return Order Ids

IDs generated by Chord to identify the return order.

Order Line Return Order Item Ids

IDs generated by Chord to identify the return items associated with the order item.

Order Line Sku

The stock keeping unit (SKU) of the Product2 associated with the Order Item Summary.

Order Line Status

Status of the Order Item Summary. The default value is ORDERED. Possible values are: ALLOCATED—Allocated, CANCELED—Canceled, FULFILLED—Fulfilled, ORDERED—Ordered, PAID—Paid, PARTIALLYALLOCATED—Partially Allocated, PARTIALLYFULFILLED—Partially Fulfilled, RESHIPPED—Reshipped, RETURNED—Returned.

Order Line Total Fulfillment Quantity

The quantity of item in the fulfillments.

Order Line Type

Type of the Order Item Summary. Delivery Charge indicates that the Order Item Summary represents a delivery charge. Order Product indicates that it represents any other type of product, service, or charge. Each type corresponds to one type code, shown here in parentheses. Possible values are: Delivery Charge (Charge), Order Product (Product).

Order Line Type Code

Type code of the Order Item Summary. Charge indicates that the Order Item Summary represents a delivery charge. Product indicates that it represents any other type of product, service, or charge. Possible values are: Charge, Product.

Order Line Unit Price

Unit price of the product represented by the Order Item Summary.

Order Number Of Fulfillments

The total number of fulfillments associated with the order.

Order Number Of Reimbursements

The number of reimbursements associated with an order.

Order Oms Account Id

ID of the account or person account associated with the Order Summary. It represents the shopper in the storefront.

Order Oms Fulfillment Ids

ID generated by the OMS to identify the order.

Order Oms Order Id

The id generated by the OMS for the Order Summary.

Order Oms Order Payment Summary Ids

IDs generated by the OMS to identify the payment summaries associated with the order.

Order Oms Return Order Ids

IDs generated by the OMS to identify the returns associated with the order.

Order Is First Order

Whether the order is first order associated with the account.

Order Number

Name of the Order Summary.

Order Payment Summary Ids

IDs generated by Chord to identify the payment summaries associated with the order.

Order Original Order Id

ID of the original order associated with this Order Summary.

Order Payment Methods

The payment methods associated with the order.

Order Payment Types

The payment types associated with the order.

Order Po Number

Purchase order number associated with this Order Summary.

Order Promotion Details Collection

The promotion details associated with the Order Summary.

Order Return Order Ids

IDs generated by Chord to identify the returns associated with the order.

Order Return Order Numbers

The return order numbers associated with the order.

Order Sales Channel Id

ID of the Sales Channel associated with this Order Summary.

Order Status

Status of the order summary. Unlike the Status and Status Category fields on the order and Fulfillment Order objects, this field is optional.

Order Tax Locale Type

The system used to handle tax on the original Order associated with the Order Summary. Gross usually applies to taxes like value-added tax (VAT), and Net usually applies to taxes like sales tax. Possible values are: Gross (displays most prices and taxes as combined values), Net (displays most prices and taxes as separate values).

Order Utm Campaign

The UTM Campaign associated with the Order Summary.

Order Utm Medium

The UTM Medium associated with the Order Summary.

Product Color

Color of the product.

Product Id

Product Oms Product Id

ID generated by the OMS to identify the product.

Product Sku

SKU for the product.

Product Sku Description

Description of the product.

Order Created At (Central)

The date the Order Summary was created - Cental Time Zone.

Order Created At (Eastern)

The date the Order Summary was created - Eastern Time Zone.

Order Created At (Mountain)

The date the Order Summary was created - Mountain Time Zone.

Order Created At (Pacific)

The date the Order Summary was created - Pacific Time Zone.

Order Created At (Universal)

The date the Order Summary was created - Universal Time Zone.

Order First Fulfillment Created At (Universal)

Timestamp when the first fulfillment for the order was created - Universal Time Zone.

Order First Order Created At (Universal)

Timestamp when the first order was created at - Universal Time Zone.

Order Last Fulfillment Created At (Universal)

Timestamp when the most recent, or last, fulfillment for the order was created - Universal Time Zone.

Order Last Modified Date (Universal)

The date the Order Summary was last modified - Universal Time Zone.

Order Line Created At (Universal)

Date the Order Item Summary was created - Universal Time Zone.

Order Line First Fulfillment Created At (Universal)

The first created at timestamp of a fulfillment item - Universal Time Zone.

Order Line First Fulfillment Expected Delivery Date (Universal)

The first expected delivery date of a fulfillment item - Universal Time Zone.

Order Line Last Fulfillment Created At (Universal)

The most recent created at timestamp of a fulfillment item - Universal Time Zone.

Order Line Last Fulfillment Expected Delivery Date (Universal)

The most recent expected delivery date of a fulfillment item - Universal Time Zone.

Order Line Requested Delivery Date (Universal)

Requested delivery date for the item - Universal Time Zone.

Order Ordered Date (Universal)

Date of the original order associated with this Order Summary - Universal Time Zone.

Average Adjusted Total Price

Line Item total, including adjustments but not tax, of the Order Item Summary.

Average Adjustment Total

Total of all non-order-level price adjustments applied to this Order Item Summary. This value includes Order Item Adjustment Line Summaries that don’t belong to an Order Adjustment Group Summary, or that belong to an Order Adjustment Group Summary of type Split Line.

Average Quantity

Current total quantity of products represented by this order item summary. Equal to Quantity Ordered minus (Quantity Canceled and Quantit Returned).

Average Quantity Allocated

Allocated quantity on this order item summary. This quantity is associated with one or more Fulfillment Order Line Items.

Average Quantity Canceled

Canceled quantity on this Order Item Summary.

Average Quantity Fulfilled

Fulfilled quantity on this Order Item Summary. This quantity can no longer be canceled.

Average Quantity Ordered

Ordered quantity on this Order Item Summary. It includes the originally ordered quantity plus any quantity added to the order later.

Average Quantity Return Initiated

Quantity returned or pending return on this Order Item Summary.

Average Quantity Returned

Returned quantity on this Order Item Summary.

Average Quantity Shipped

The quantity of items shipped.

Average Total Price

Total, not including adjustments or tax, of the Order Item Summary.

Average Total Tax Amount

Tax on the Total Price.

Adjusted Total Price

Line Item total, including adjustments but not tax, of the Order Item Summary.

Adjustment Total

Total of all non-order-level price adjustments applied to this Order Item Summary. This value includes Order Item Adjustment Line Summaries that don’t belong to an Order Adjustment Group Summary, or that belong to an Order Adjustment Group Summary of type Split Line.

Total Price

Total, not including adjustments or tax, of the Order Item Summary.


Current total quantity of products represented by this order item summary. Equal to Quantity Ordered minus (Quantity Canceled and Quantit Returned).

Quantity Allocated

Allocated quantity on this order item summary. This quantity is associated with one or more Fulfillment Order Line Items.

Quantity Canceled

Canceled quantity on this Order Item Summary.

Quantity Fulfilled

Fulfilled quantity on this Order Item Summary. This quantity can no longer be canceled.

Quantity Ordered

Ordered quantity on this Order Item Summary. It includes the originally ordered quantity plus any quantity added to the order later.

Quantity Return Initiated

Quantity returned or pending return on this Order Item Summary.

Quantity Returned

Returned quantity on this Order Item Summary.

Quantity Shipped

The quantity of items shipped.

Total Tax Amount

Tax on the Total Price.